FisherITS is now a part of Anglepoint, a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant.


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Watch: Software Renewals Optimisation Expert Workshop
If your organisation is preparing for a major software contract renewal, or entering into a large licensing agreement for the first time, this software renewal expert workshop is for you. During this end-user only session,…

FELiX Blog

A Simple Guide to Autodesk Licensing Compliance
Founded almost 40 years ago, Autodesk is a multinational software corporation providing products and services for the architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, media, education, and entertainment industries. Autodesk’s flagship product, AutoCAD, is widely used and well-known…

White papers

White Paper: Software Licence Audit Defence Guide
How to prepare for vendors such as Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Oracle, Quest, & Micro Focus Software licence audits cost businesses millions of dollars every year and require a huge amount of time and effort to…